Sunday, March 31, 2024

Research Blog Post #5 (Story Outline)

    Opening the Shadows: An Exciting Journey into the Unknown

I'm going to share some of the brainstorming and storyboards for film openings I've been working on. 

Story overview:

Imagine this. It's a normal day in a quiet suburban neighborhood, just like any other day. But then something strange happens. When people wake up, they discover a mysterious symbol painted on the door. How scary is that? These icons aren't just random symbols. They represent the beginning of a chilling game orchestrated by an unseen antagonist.

Our main character is Alex, a young and curious journalist. When Alex notices a symbol on his front door, he can't just sit back and ignore it. He starts digging deeper and try to uncover the secret behind these eerie patterns. But he knows little. His investigation leads to deeply disturbing discoveries about the neighborhoods dark past.

As Alex pieces together the clues, he finds themselves drawn deeper and deeper into a web of danger. Tensions rise, the mystery deepens, and Alex is completely unaware of the impending threat lurking around the corner.


I have been brainstorming like crazy on this project. I have thought of different ways to increase the suspense and keep the audience guessing. Maybe there is a secret tunnel under the city or a mysterious person in the shadows. The possibilities are endless.

I also think about how to convey the atmosphere and tension of the opening scene. Maybe there's creepy music playing in the background, or the lights are dark and spooky. When it comes to building a suspension, every little detail counts. Even what the characters are going to wear or use throughout the film opening. 

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